Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

When articles are submitted they will be checked and any that appear out of the scope of the conference, or otherwise unsuitable for consideration, will be rejected immediately.

All other original research articles will be sent out for review. Reviewers are selected based on their experience of the subject matter of the article. They may be selected from the Editorial Board of the conference as well as from elsewhere. The conference editorial offices and editors will identify suitable experts and invite them to review. Some conferences welcome suggestions from authors but reserve the right to select their own reviewers. Equally, if authors have a good reason to request that a particular person should be excluded fra om review (e.g. because they are working in a competing laboratory), then they may say this when they submit the article. However, the editors' judgement the of reviewer is final.

Invitations are sent to reviewers and the articles are only sent to them when they agree to review. The reviewing operation is managed through the submission system. Reviewers are given between 2-3 weeks to return their review, and reminders are sent. However the conference organizing committee cannot guarantee a time to decide since reviewers may be late, or there may be problems in finding the right reviewer. In all cases, the conference organizing committee will endeavour to manage the process as speedily as possible.

When the editors receive at least 2 reviews they make a decision.



Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.